The collaboration between humans and machines, where
humans can share the same work environment without safety equipment
due to the collision avoidance characteristic is one of the research topics
for the Industry 4.0. This work proposes a system that acquires the
space of the environment through an RGB-Depth sensor, verifies the
free spaces in the created Point Cloud and executes the trajectory of
the collaborative manipulator avoiding collisions. It is demonstrated a
simulated environment before the system in real situations, in which the
movements of pick-and-place tasks are defined, diverting from virtual
obstacles with the RGB-Depth sensor. It is possible to apply this system
in real situations with obstacles and humans, due to the results obtained
in the simulation. The basic structure of the system is supported by
the ROS software, in particular, the Movelt! and Rviz. These tools serve
both for simulations and for real applications. The obtained results allow
to validate the system using the algorithms PRM and RRT, chosen for
being commonly used in the field of robot path planning.
This work has been partially funded by Junta de Castilla y León
and FEDER funds, under Research Grant No. LE028P17 and by "Ministerio de Ciencia,
Innovación y Universidades" of the Kingdom of Spain through grant RTI2018-100683-