The process of planning and building a xmooc: a practical review Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) apply, nowadays, as an opportunity for teachers to invest in their continuous training aiming to improve or update knowledge and skillsets on their respective scientific areas. Taking these claims into account, the authors of this paper planned, developed, attended and evaluated an xMOOC, reportedly named as a “MOOC on MOOCs and other educational technologies”, which is meant for the continuous training of teachers. This MOOC proved to be the main source of information and asynchronous interaction of the online training course organized at the end of the 1st semester of 2015. Considering this formative experience while promoting some changes, we present the planning, development of another MOOC for a 2nd edition of this online training course organized in the beginning of the 2st semester of 2018, characterizing its creation process not only on the technological level but on the pedagogical and content-related levels. The results were obtained through a categorization process of a set of stages that characterize the development process of a continuous teacher training focused MOOC. This study can contribute towards the deepened comprehension of the development of a MOOC and, most of all, contribute towards the fitting of this technology in the teacher training process as well as in the overall education system.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2018