Analysis of New Job Profiles for the Factory of the Future Artigo de Conferência Capítulo de livro Livro uri icon


  • Industry 4.0 is being promoting the digitisation of manufacturing sector towards smart products, machines, processes and factories. The adoption of disruptive technologies associated to this industrial revolution will lead to re-shaping the manufacturing environment, decreasing the low-skilled activities and increasing the high-skill activities, being expected to grow the complexity and number of new job profiles. In this context, this paper aims to analyse the literature and recruitment repositories to identify the new job profiles in the factory of the future (FoF) across six industrial technological sectors, namely Collaborative Robotics (Cobots), Additive Manufacturing (AM), Mechatronics and Machine Automation (MMA), Data Analytics (DA), Cybersecurity (CS) and Human-Machine Interface (HMI). The performed analysis allowed to compile a catalogue of 100 new job profiles that were characterised and analysed in terms of technical and soft skills, type and level of profile, as well as the frequency demand.

data de publicação

  • 2021