How does the added fat source affect sensory quality of sheep and goat pâtés? uri icon


  • Avaliou-se a qualidade sensorial de patês de carne de ovelhas e cabras com diferentes fontes e percentagem de gordura (10% ou 30%, e barriga de porco ou azeite). Um painel de provadores treinado realizou análise sensorial e foram consultados consumidores para perceber as suas preferências. A análise generalizada de Procrustes foi usada para testar as diferenças encontradas pelos provadores. Os painelistas conseguiram encontrar diferenças sensoriais entre os patês de ovelhas e cabras e também percentagens de gordura. Os patês de cabra apresentaram valores mais elevados de suculência e os patês de ovelhas apresentaram maiores valores de intensidade de sabor. Patês com 10% de gordura de barriga de porco tiveram os maiores valores para os atributos de cor e coesividade e também intensidade de aroma, enquanto patês com 30% de azeite apresentaram os maiores valores para os atributos de textura, exceto coesividade. Embora as diferenças entre os patês tenham sido encontradas pelos membros do painel, os consumidores não mostraram uma preferência particular por um deles
  • Sensory quality of sheep and goat pâtés with different sources and percentage of fat (10% or 30%, and pork belly or olive oil) were evaluated. A trained taste panel performed sensory analysis and consumers were consulted to perceive their preferences. Generalised Procrustes Analysis was used to test the differences found by panellists. Panellists were able to find sensory differences between sheep and goat pâtés, and also fat percentages. Goat pâtés had higher values of juiciness and sheep pâtés had higher values of taste intensity. Ten percent pork belly fat pâtés had the highest values of colour and cohesiveness attributes and also aroma intensity, while 30% olive oil pâtés had the highest values of texture attributes, except cohesiveness. Although, differences between pâtés were found by panellists, consumers had no particular preference for one of them.
  • Work included in the Portuguese PRODER research Project number 020260013013 “New goat and sheep processed meat products” BISOVICAP – Processing meat from pigs, sheep and goats, to produce new products. Ham and pâté, Project PROTEC, SI I&DT - Projects in Co-Promotion, nº 21511. The authors are grateful to the Laboratory of Carcass and Meat Quality and to the Laboratory of Sensory Analysis of Agriculture School of Polytechnic Institute of Bragança ‘Cantinho do Alfredo’. The authors are members of the MARCARNE network, funded by CYTED (ref. 116RT0503).

data de publicação

  • janeiro 2019