Production of low-cost hydrochars by hydrothermal carbonization of compost: kinetic modeling and treatment of the generated liquid effluent by Fenton
Artigo de Conferência
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The production of hydrochars from compost through hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) was studied as valorization alternative against organic waste accumulation. Temperature, time and load of compost were varied in the HTC process and the carbon content of the solid and the liquid effluent were used as dataset to develop a kinetic model able to predict the carbon content in the hydrochars and in the effluent at different operating conditions.
Furthermore, the treatment of the liquid effluent resulting from the HTC process was
assessed by Fenton reaction.
This work was financially supported by project “VALORCOMP - Valorización de compost y otros
desechos procedentes de la fracción orgánica de los residuos municipales”,
0119_VALORCOMP_2_P, and project “AIProcMat@N2020 - Advanced Industrial Processes and
Materials for a Sustainable Northern Region of Portugal 2020”, reference NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-
000006, supported by NORTE 2020, under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through
FEDER, and Project Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM - UID/EQU/50020/2019 - funded by national
funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC).