Industrial Robotic Arm in Machining Process Aimed to 3D Objects Reconstruction Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • Industrial robots are a technology which is highly present in industry and can perform several tasks, namely machining activities. Different than CNC machines, which work with G-code and have available several software applications to generate the machine code, there is a lack of software for robotic arms, in addition to each application depending on its own language and software. This work studied a way to use different robotic arms for 3D part machining processes, to perform 3D objects reconstruction obtained through a low-cost 3D scanner. Dealing with the 3D reconstruction by integrating 3D acquisition and robotic milling with software available on the market, this paper presents a system that acquires and reconstructs a 3D object, in order to seek greater flexibility with lower initial investments and checking the applicability of robot arm in these tasks. For this, a 3D object is scanned and imported to a CAD/CAM software, to generate the machining toolpath, and a software application is used to convert the G-code into robot code. Several experiments were performed, using an ABB IRB 2600 robot arm, and the results of the machining process allowed to validate the G-code conversion and milling process using robotic arms, according to the proposed methodology. © 2021 IEEE.
  • This work has been supported by FCT – Fundac¸ao para a ˜ Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Projects UIDB/50014/2020 ˆ and UIDB/05757/2020.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 2021