ValorNatural®: a project and a platform
Artigo de Conferência
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The use of synthetic additives (preservatives and colourants), in the food and cosmetic
industries, is a current major concern, from both the human health and environmental
points of view. Although considered a promising safer alternative, the use of natural
additives still faces some drawbacks and limitations. A specific problem is the difficulty
to find abundant natural sources, preferably based on sustainable cultivation, and
adequate green and environmental friendly extraction technologies. Additionally, huge
volumes of residues from the forestry and food industries, currently considered as lowvalue
by‐products, are underexploited in applications such as energy production
and/or as compost. This context is emphasized also by an increasing consumer’
awareness and interest in “chemopreventive nutrition”, being highly receptive to
functional foods with specific health‐promoting components (nutraceuticals). The
challenge to full exploit the potential of these high added value ingredients derived
from natural sources, including mountain matrices, requires the development of
integrated multidisciplinary solutions that will consider issues from cultivation to
extraction, separation and stabilization processes. All the implemented strategies must
be supported by reliable and expedite chemical and biological analysis and
methodologies for final products validation. Furthermore, the economy of mountain
regions, typically with high levels of diversity in natural matrices (e.g., mushrooms and
plants), will strongly benefit from the development of new products based on natural
ingredients. Herein, it will be presented ValorNaturalÒ, which is a project aiming at
developing and demonstrating extraction and separation methodologies, suitable to
be scalable for industrial use, for the production of functional ingredients (preserving,
flavouring, colouring and bio‐active agents) for the food and cosmetic industries, from
sustainable natural sources. Case studies developed by the research group will be
discussed. Furthermore, a platform to support companies working in this field, under
development in the Brigantia EcoPark (The Science and Technology Park of Bragança),
will be also presented.