The curricular unit of Supervised Teaching Practice (STP), of the
Master programme in Pre-School Teacher Education and of the Master programme
in Pre-school and Primary School Teacher Education, is organized in
two main phases: the teaching practice in the adequate education levels, and the
development of a final report. The final report is a document each student writes
and that reflects the course of the training, the critical and reflexive attitude
assumed in response to the challenges that were faced, and the processes and
performance of the professional routine experiences. The document should also
include a research component concerning the teaching action developed by the
student. The final report is, thus, an instrument that allows multiple dimensions
of analysis. The work described in this chapter resulted from the study of 62
reports, developed between 2012 and 2015, with the objective of analysing the
type of teaching-learning experiences, the content areas and the pedagogical
approach developed by students. A quantitative and qualitative approach was
followed, using text mining to complement the analysis, due to the large
quantity of text. This was complemented with content analysis to interpret the
resulting data. The results reveal that students describe and analyse teachinglearning
experiences in different content areas, valuing differentiated pedagogical
strategies and that the reflective processes are centred in the description of
the practicum, without revealing a substantial critical thinking. The final report,
regardless of the weaknesses, is a valuable instrument in the training process,
because it allows the development of reflection and research tools about the
education practice, essential for the professional development of future teachers.