Bullying e cyberbullying: um estudo em tempos de pandemia uri icon


  • Este trabalho foi apoiado pela FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia no âmbito do Projeto UIDB/05777/2020.
  • O objetivo deste estudo é averiguar se a situação pandémica agravou ou não as situações de bullying escolar. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso, de carácter exploratório e descritivo, onde se articularam os paradigmas quantitativo e qualitativo. Participaram neste estudo 370 alunos do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (5º e 6º anos) do ano letivo 2020/2021, de dois agrupamentos de escolas do concelho de Bragança, no nordeste transmontano de Portugal continental. O instrumento de recolha de dados utilizado foi um inquérito por questionário ou survey construído no Google Forms e disponibilizado online na segunda quinzena de maio de 2021. Após a recolha e análise dos resultados verificou-se que, durante a pandemia, as situações de bullying diminuíram, embora o cyberbullying tenha aumentado ligeiramente, verificou-se uma diminuição das vítimas e correspondente diminuição das testemunhas que alteraram a sua forma de atuação perante este problema. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo servirão, após o alívio de muitas das medidas restritivas, como alavanca para incentivar as instituições educativas envolvidas neste estudo a olhar este problema como uma situação que exige a tomada de medidas para a sua minimização, para além de complementar outros estudos no contexto português ou mesmo na Península Ibérica.
  • The aim of this study is to determine whether the pandemic situation aggravated or not school bullying situations. The methodology used was a case study, of exploratory and descriptive nature, where the quantitative and qualitative paradigms were combined. The study involved 370 students in the 2nd cycle of basic education (5th and 6th years) of the school year 2020/2021, from two school clusters (Agrupamento de Escolas) in the municipality of Braganca, in the north-east of Portugal. The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire or survey built on Google Forms and made available online in the second half of May 2021. After collecting and analysing the results, it was found that, during the pandemic, bullying situations decreased, although cyberbullying increased slightly, there was a decrease in the number of victims and a corresponding decrease in the number of witnesses who changed their behavior in the face of this scourge. The results obtained in this study will serve, after the relief of many of the restrictive measures, as a lever to encourage the educational institutions involved in this study to look at this problem as a situation that requires taking measures for its minimisation, in addition to complementing other studies in the Portuguese context or even in the Iberian Peninsula.
  • The aim of this study is to determine whether the pandemic situation aggravated or not school bullying situations. The methodology used was a case study, of exploratory and descriptive nature, where the quantitative and qualitative paradigms were combined. The study involved 370 students in the 2nd cycle of basic education (5th and 6th years) of the school year 2020/2021, from two school clusters (Agrupamento de Escolas) in the municipality of Bragança, in the north-east of Portugal. The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire or survey built on Google Forms and made available online in the second half of May 2021. After collecting and analysing the results, it was found that, during the pandemic, bullying situations decreased, although cyberbullying increased slightly, there was a decrease in the number of victims and a corresponding decrease in the number of witnesses who changed their behavior in the face of this scourge. The results obtained in this study will serve, after the relief of many of the restrictive measures, as a lever to encourage the educational institutions involved in this study to look

publication date

  • January 2022