Characterization of new phenolic derivatives in Portuguese propolis by electrospray mass spectroscopy
Artigo de Conferência
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Propolis is a resinous substance collected by honeybees from tree buds, comprising plant exudates,
secreted substances from bee metabolism, pollen and waxes. This product is widely used in
traditional medicine [I] and it has recently gained popularity as a health food supplement.
Currently, it is extensively used in foods and beverages, and it is claimed to improve health and
prevent diseases such as inflammation, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
This research outlines an extensive characterization of the phenolic composition of a propolis
sample from the northeast of Porto gal. For that, ao ethanolic extract was prepared, fractionated by
HPLC and the identification of the phenolic compounds was done by electro spray mass
spectrometry in the negative mode. This technical approach allowed the identification of 37
phenolic compounds in the Portoguese propolis sample, including seven that were described for the
first time. Two of these new compounds had [M-Hr ions at mlz 403, aod the others had [M-Hr
ions at mlz 433, mlz 461, mlz 417, mlz 475, and mlz 565. In general, the molecular weight of these
compounds was higher thao the common phenolic compounds of propolis aod their fragmentation
pattern suggested that they belong to the flavonoid family probably lioked with a phenylpropanoic
acid moiety in the position C5 (mlz 403, 433, 461, 475) and C3 (mlz 403, 417), corresponding to
pinocembrio and pinobaoksin derivatives. The ion at mlz 565 seems to be a p-counlaric ester
derivative dimer.