Characterization of a glucanase inhibitor protein from Phytophthora cinnamomi involved in plant responses
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Oomycetes from the genus Phytophthora are fungos-likeplant pathogens that are devastating fr agriculture and natural ecosystems. Due to their partucular physiological characteristics, no eficiente tratmentts, it against diseases caused by these microorganisms are presently available. To develop such treatments, it appears essential to dissect the molecular mechanisms that determine the interaction between Phytophthora speciesvand host plants.
Projects COMBATINTA/SP2.P11/02 lnterreg) IIIA -
Cross-Border Cooperation Spain-Portugal, financed by The European Regional
Development Fund, and "Identification, characterization and role of molecular
factors associated with the mechanisms of infection of Fagaceae species by
Phytophthora cinnamomi (PTOC/AGR-AAM/6762612006) FCT, supported thiss