Remote Lab of Robotic Manipulators through an Open Access ROS-based Platform
Artigo de Conferência
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The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science
and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support
through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CeDRI
(UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020), and SusTEC
The research, training, and learning in robotic
systems is a difficult task for institutions that do not have
an appropriate equipment infrastructure, mainly due to the
high investment required to acquire these systems. Possible
alternatives are the use of robotic simulation platforms and the
creation of remote robotic environments available for different
users. The use of the last option surpasses the former one in
terms of the possibility to handle real robotic systems during
the training process. However, technical challenges appear in
the management of the supporting infrastructure to use the
robotic systems, namely in terms of access, safety, security,
communication, and programming aspects. Having this in mind,
this paper presents an approach for the remote operation of real
robotic manipulators under a virtual robotics laboratory. To this
end, an open access and safe web-based platform was developed
for the remote control of robotic manipulators, being validated
through the remote control of a real UR3 manipulator. This platform
contributes to the research and training in robotic systems
among different research centers and educational institutions that
have limited access to these technologies. Furthermore, students
and researchers can use this educational tool that differs from
traditional robotic simulators through a virtual experience that
connects real manipulators worldwide through the Internet.