Selective denitrification of a simulated oily wastewater using Janus-structured carbon nanotubes
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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) bearing a Janus-like structure were
synthesized by chemical vapor deposition considering ethylene
and acetonitrile as carbon and nitrogen sources. The developed
materials were applied as catalyst in the oxidation of 4-nitrophenol
(4-NP) dissolved in a biphasic medium
(water/2,2,4-trimeylpentane) simulating a contaminated oily
wastewater. The CNT prepared using both ethylene and
acetonitrile precursors shows a Janus-structure, leading to the
highest abatement of 4-NP as well as to the highest removal of
TOC, proving to be an alternative towards the removal of lipophilic
pollutants from oily effluents, allowing to reclaim the oily phase.
This work was financially supported by project "PLASTIC_TO_FUEL&MAT – Upcycling Waste Plastics into Fuel and Carbon Nanomaterials" (PTDC/EQU-EQU/31439/2017), Base Funding - UIDB/50020/2020 of the Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM - funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC), and CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) through FEDER under Program
PT2020. F. F. Roman acknowledges the national funding by FCT, Foundation for Science and Technology, and FSE,
European Social Fund, through the individual research grant SFRH/BD/143224/2019. A. Santos Silva was supported by the
doctoral grant SFRH/BD/151346/2021 financed by FCT with funds from NORTE2020, under MIT Portugal Program