selected publications
conference paper
- Avaliação dos impactes ambientais da produção de vinho na região sul de Portugal. 59-65. 2019
- Life cycle environmental impacts of vineyard in the south Portugal 2019
- Pegada hídrica – um contributo para a sustentabilidade da fileira vitivinícola 2019
- Water footprint of a wine bottle from the southern region of Portugal by using a life cycle assessment approach 2019
- Assessing water scarcity footprint of wine production in the Alentenjo region: preliminary results 2018
- Avaliação da pegada hídrica na fileira vitivinícola. 140-141. 2017
journal article
- Water footprint sustainability as a tool to address climate change in the wine sector: a methodological approach applied to a portuguese case study. Atmosphere. 934. 2020
- The impact of the winery's wastewater treatment system on the winery water footprint. Water Science and Technology. 1823-1831. 2019