E-learning development tendencies in higher education and future directions
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Teachers and students in higher education are coming to realize that to become competent
practitioners there is need to take advantage of up-to-date digital technologies and learning
practices. Learning process requires measurement and evaluation of students behaviour. In the case
of e-learning, evidence is sought for improvements resulting from the use of online tools and
processes desired to achieve a given set of learning outcomes. In this 21st century, knowledge is fast
becoming a powerful engine in life. The visions, innovations, and inventions are the building blocks
of developing knowledgeable and sustainable society. E-learning has facilitated the use of a plethora
of internet and web-based applications as the method of communication with a distributed
audience. Therefore, institutions of higher learning are constantly venturing into new and innovative
methods and are radically changing the educational practice making it competitive. This paper
examines how emerging technologies and e-learning are being used in education to create a major
shift in the educational service paradigm that promises major advantages over the traditional
distance learning and face-to-face systems. The authors present developments in distance education
and e-learning whilst clarifying the similarities and differences between them. We identify factors
affecting development of e-learning systems and examine the implementation of some systems in
pervasive distributed computing environments. For everyone everywhere, the present developments
in e-learning spells more access for learners, cautionary expansion for universities, and accelerated
learning and influences for the future. The future directions is such that the higher educational
system of the future and especially in Europe must aim to meet human development needs with elearning
playing some major parts through promotion of access and widening participation in
knowledge and skills acquisition. In order to support learning in evolving dynamic environments,
several factors must be taken into consideration. These range from policies, strategies, the current
education environments and business needs as well as the specific discipline being studied. Since the
advent of e-learning and its eventual implementation in higher education, the world of learning for
both the advanced nations and emerging economies have witnessed an upsurge in the number and
types of students who are now engaged in pursuit of studies at institutions of higher learning. This
paper reports on issues relating to expectations of the university of the future and the future of