Adoption of the Rules of the General Data Protection Regulation on the Websites of Municipalities Artigo de Conferência Capítulo de livro Livro uri icon


  • With the advent of technologies, the amount of information processed by these means has increased dramatically. In this sense, the protection of per sonal data has become urgent to guarantee people’s freedom of thought and to avoid possible abuses in terms of invasion of privacy and preservation of personal information. Thus, the European Union created a Regulation, in 2016, with the aim of standardizing legislation and practices with regard to data protection, in order to protect its citizens and increase transparency in the processing of their data, the same is called the “General Regulation on Data Protection” (GDPR). After 7 years since its creation and five since its entry into force and since the GDPR also affects websites, we intend with this study to verify if the websites of some Portuguese municipalities (belonging to CIM-TTM, CIM-AT and CIM Douro) include the necessary dynamics to comply with the rules dictated by the regulation.

data de publicação

  • 2023