selected publications
academic article
- Fostering advances in mechatronics and robotics resorting to simulation. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). 10:326-331. 2010
conference paper
- An AI-based Object Detection Approach for Robotic Competitions. 1-6. 2023
- Automated Ceramics Tableware Finishing: Non-Circular Geometries Case Study. IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA. 1-6. 2023
- Development of surplus power generation forecast for use by residential loads. 1-6. 2023
- Enhancing motivation and learning in engineering courses: a challenge-based approach to teaching embedded systems. 701-706. 2023
- Object detection for indoor localization system 2023
- Map coverage of LoRaWAN signal’s employing GPS from mobile devices 2022
- Demonstrative educational haptic manipulator robot: A teaching aid in Mechatronics. 30-37. 2021
- Innovative robot design for cleaning solar panels. 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, SIMULTECH 2021. 264-270. 2021
- Interdisciplinary pedagogical activity, collaborative teaching under COVID-19. Edulearn Proceedings. 8241-8247. 2021
- Low-cost SARS-CoV-2 vaccine homogenization system for Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vials. IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation (IJRA). 340-352. 2021
- A Comparison of A* and RRT* Algorithms with Dynamic and Real Time Constraint Scenarios for Mobile Robots. 398-405. 2019
- 3D Simulator with Hardware-in-the-Loop capability for the Micromouse Competition. 1-6. 2019
- Development of a Ground Truth Localization System for Wheeled Mobile Robots in Indoor Environments based on Laser Range-finder for Low-cost Systems. 351-358. 2018
- Proposal of a low cost high performance educational mobile robot: an rpi and arduino approach 2018
- Proposal of a low cost educational mobile robot experiment: an approach based on hardware and simulation 2015
- Robust Mobile Robot Localization based on Security Laser Scanner 2015
- Humanoid robot gait optimization: simulated annealing and genetic algorithm comparative study 2013
- Modeling and simulation of a laser scanner sensor: an industrial application case study 2013
- Modeling and simulation of the EMG30 geared motor with encoder resorting to simtwo: the official robot@factory simulator 2013
- Optimization of a humanoid robot gait: multilocal optimization approach 2013
- Part alignment identification and adaptive pick-andplace operation for flat surfaces. 203-212. 2013
- Real-time tracking system for a moored oil tanker: a Kalman filter approach 2013
- Manufacturing education and training resorting to a new mobile robot competition 2012
- Humanoid robot gait planning resorting to an adaptive simulated annealing algorithm 2010
- Sensor and actuator stochastic modeling of the Lego mindstorms NXT educational kit. 11-16. 2010
- A passive system approach to increase the energy efficiency in walk movements based in a realistic simulation environment 2009
- Code migration from a realistic simulator to a real robot 2009
- Code migration from a realistic simulator to a real wheeled mobile robot 2009
- Humanoid realistic simulator: the servomotor joint modeling 2009
- PLC and petri net training based on a 3D virtual car park modelling and control 2009
- Towards a more accurate model for an infrared distance sensor 2009
- Ball and beam virtual laboratory: a teaching aid in automatic control courses 2008
- Humanoid Robot Simulation with a Joint Trajectory Optimized Controller. 986-993. 2008
- Humanoid robot simulator: a realistic dynamics approach 2008
- Real-time tracking of an omnidirectional robot: an extended Kalman filter approach 2008
- Realistic behaviour simulation of a humanoid robot 2008
- Realistic humanoid robot simulation with an optimized controller: A power consumption minimization approach 2008
- Sensor and actuator modeling of a realistic wheeled mobile robot simulator. 980-985. 2008
- Interactive educational software for dynamic systems control 2007
- Inverted pendulum virtual control laboratory 2006
- Rapid prototyping of mobile robots extending LEGO mindstorms platform 2006
- A modular approach to real-time cork classification using image processing 2005
- Controlo e estimação do posicionamento absoluto de um robot omnidireccional de três rodas. 49-56. 2005
- Desenvolvimento de um robot omnidireccional para fins didácticos usando o Kit Lego Mindstorms 2004
- Sistema de navegação e controlo de um AGV por visão artificial 2004
journal article
- Three-dimensional scanning system based on a low-cost infrared sensor. 01-08. 2021
- Low-cost sonar based on the echolocation. 818-825. 2019
- Localization and Navigation of an Omnidirectional Mobile Robot: The Robot@Factory Case Study. IEEE REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIAS DEL APRENDIZAJE-IEEE RITA. 1-9. 2016
- Robust mobile robot localization based on a security laser: An industry case study. INDUSTRIAL ROBOT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL. 2016
- Localização e navegacão de um robô móvel omnidirecional: caso de estudo da competição robot@factory. VAEP-RITA. 2015
- SimTwo realistic simulator: a tool for the development and validation of robot software. International Journal of Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science. 11-16. 2011
- Tutorial introdutório para as competições de futebol robótico. IEEE REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIAS DEL APRENDIZAJE-IEEE RITA. 63-72. 2007
- Real time cork classification method: a colour image processing approach. International Journal of Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Computing. 2006
- Controlo e estimação do posicionamento absoluto de um robot omnidireccional de três rodas. 18-24. 2005