selected publications
- Pastores, pastoreio e risco de incêndio: aliados, cúmplices ou concorrentes?. VII Congresso de Estudos Rurais: O rural depois do fogo. 155-162. 2018
- Silvopastoral systems as a tool for territorial sustainability and biodiversity. 317-333. 2017
conference paper
- Sustainable forest management under fire risk: ecological options to reduce the fuel loads. XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019. 341-341. 2019
- Pastores, pastoreio e risco de incêndio: aliados, cúmplices ou concorrentes?. 49-56. 2018
- Agroforestry systems in North‐Eastern mountains of Portugal: a portrait in the transition for the XXIst century 2016