INTACT platform in professional courses: a case study Conference Paper uri icon


  • The development of Information and Communication Technologies and the paradigm of modern society require that training centres adapt to new realities resulting from the need to decode emerging literacies, based on multimodal texts. Besides, the continuous changes in the work market demand on continuous learning, so preparing trainees for it means prepare them to develop collaborative and Information Technology learning skills based on e-learning, b-learning and m-learning. This paper aims to present the exploration and evaluation of the INTACT (Interactive Teaching Materials across Culture and Technology) platform, both in the trainees and trainer’s perspectives, in a training course. To this purpose, the trainer created, developed and shared learning objects and contents in the platform in order to be used in training context, both in the classroom and in distance learning, promoting collaborative learning. The results were based on the single exploratory case study and in the analysis of the work done by the trainer, the learning outcomes evidenced by the trainees, mainly by direct observation and by conducting two inquiries. These activities were made to answer the following investigation questions: How can the use of didactic tools, which allow the introduction of multimodal texts, help students to develop literacy skills? How can the platform help trainees to develop collaborative learning skills? Which are the main difficulties perceived in its usage in training courses’ context? The data collected showed that: both the trainer and the trainees considered the usage of didactic tools, that allow the integration of multimodal texts, help students to develop multiliteracy skills; there is potential in the usage of collaborative learning and that trainees are receptive to this process of learning, but it is necessary to wait for more users in the platform to explore all its collaborative possibilities, mainly users from different countries to accomplish bilingual perspective.

publication date

  • May 2016