selected publications
academic article
- Regional business survival in Portugal: application of a cox proportional hazard model 2017
- Criação de Empresas em Portugal e Espanha no Período 2000-2007: Análise Comparativa com Base no World Bank Group Entrepreneurship Survey (Wbges) 2012
- The dynamics of employer enterprise creation in Portugal over the last two decades: a firm size, regional and sectoral perspective. Notas Económicas. 6-22. 2012
- A concentração sectorial em Portugal segundo o índice de Hirschman-Herfindhahl 2011
- A sobrevivência de empresas na Região Norte 2010
- Analysis of the active employer enterprise population in Portugal 2010
- Employer enterprise creation in Portugal 2010
- Entrepreneurship in Portugal: comparison between the world bank data and quadros de pessoal 2010
- A non parametric survival analysis of business demography dynamics in Portugal 2009
- Entrepreneurship, job creation, and growth in fast-growing firms in Portugal: is there a role for policy?. 333-386. 2015
- Business demography dynamics in Portugal: a non-parametric survival analysis. 260-272. 2012
- Employer enterprises in Portugal: size distribution dynamics. 242-259. 2012
- Sobrevivência de empresas: o caso da Região Norte de Portugal. 21-23. 2012
- Sobrevivência de empresas - o caso da Região Norte de Portugal 2011
- Sobrevivência de empresas: o caso da Região Norte de Portugal. 123-134. 2011
- Getting smaller: size dynamics of employer enterprises in Portugal. 69-94. 2010
conference paper
- A evolução da concentração sectorial em Portugal entre 1995 e 2006: a perspetiva do índice de Herfindahl-Hirschman. 144-144. 2014
- High-growth entrepreneurship and policy support in Portugal. 1-26. 2013
- Profiling high-growth enterprises in Portugal. 38-67. 2013
- High growth and gazelle enterprises in Portugal: a firm demography and growth analysis. 1-7. 2012
- High growth and gazelles enterprises in Portugal: a firm demography and growth analysis. 241-242. 2012
- O índice Herfindahl-Hirschman da concentração sectorial em Portugal. 1-11. 2012
- Profiling das empresas algarvias: a demografia empresarial, a sobrevivência e o encerramento. 275-297. 2012
- Regional business survival in Portugal. 1-30. 2011
- A brief survival analysis framework for portuguese firms. The 2010 EABR (Business) Conference and The 2010 ETLC (Education) Conference. 2010
- A semi-parametric survival analysis of business demography dynamics in Portugal. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 55-65. 2010
- Análise comparativa de empreendedorismo entre Portugal e Espanha com base nos dados do WBGES 2008. 600-609. 2010
- Análise comparativa de sobrevivência: o caso da região Norte de Portugal. 661-679. 2010
- Business creation in Portugal: comparison between the world bank data and quadros de pessoal. 362-377. 2010
- Business demography dynamics in Portugal: a non-parametric survival analysis. 1293-1308. 2010
- Business demography dynamics in Portugal: a semi-parametric survival analysis. Global Conference on Business and Finance. 2010
- Entrepreneurship in Portugal: comparison between the world bank data and quadros de pessoal. European Research Studies Journal. 117. 2010
- Entrepreneurship performance indicators for employer enterprises in Portugal. European Research Studies Journal. 136. 2010
- Getting smaller: size dynamics of employer enterprises in Portugal 2010
- Getting smaller: syze dynamics of employer enterprises in Portugal. 118-138. 2010
- Survival dynamics in Portugal, a regional perspective 2010
- Getting smaller: size dynamics of employer enterprises in Portugal 2009
- Criação de empresas em Portugal e Espanha: análise comparativa com base nos dados do Banco Mundial 2011
- Análise comparativa de sobrevivência empresarial: o caso da região Norte de Portugal. GEE Papers. 2010
- Business creation in Portugal: comparison between the world bank data and quadros de pessoal. GEE Papers. 2010
- Business survival in portuguese regions 2010
- Entrepreneurship performance indicators for employer enterprises in Portugal 2010
journal article
- Regional business survival in Portugal: application of a cox proportional hazard model. European Journal of Science and Research. 67-81. 2017
- Tecido empresarial algarvio: Demografia, crescimento e sobrevivência. Dos Algarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal. 45-67. 2016
- A evolução da concentração sectorial em Portugal entre 1995 e 2006: a perspetiva do índice de Herfindahl-Hirschman. BMC Health Services Research. 146-158. 2015
- Business Creation in Portugal: A Viewpoint on Data Comparison. J. Enterprising Culture. 111-132. 2014
- Business creation in Portugal and Spain in the period 2000-2007: comparative analysis based on the World Bank Group Entrepreneurship Survey (WBGES). BMC Health Services Research. 116-131. 2012
- The dynamics of employer enterprise creation in Portugal over the last two decades: a firm size, regional and sectoral perspective. Notas Económicas. 6-22. 2012
- A concentração sectorial em Portugal segundo o índice de Hirschman-Herfindhahl. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 61-71. 2011
- Análise comparativa de sobrevivência empresarial: o caso da região Norte de Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 77-94. 2011
- A sobrevivência de empresas na Região Norte. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 49-58. 2010
- Analysis of the active employer enterprise population in Portugal. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 47-57. 2010
- Business survival in portuguese regions. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 37-48. 2010
- Criação de empresas em Portugal e Espanha: análise comparativa com base nos dados do Banco Mundial. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 41-56. 2010
- Employer enterprise creation in Portugal. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 37-54. 2010
- Entrepreneurship in Portugal: comparison between the world bank data and quadros de pessoal. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 38-50. 2010
- A non parametric survival analysis of business demography dynamics in Portugal. Boletim Mensal da Economia Portuguesa. 59-66. 2009