selected publications academic article Peritoneal dialysis infections : an opportunity for improvement 2014 conference paper MALDI-TOF MS: improved methods for the identification/characterisation and authentication of fungal strains. 10. 2012 Taxonomy of Aspergillus: integration of methods for new and revisited species in section Flavi 2012 Calmodulin gene as good voucher as MALDI-TOF ICMS to identify Portuguese isolates of Aspergillus section Flavi. 43. 2010 Characterization and identification of aspergillus section flavi isolates from portuguese almonds using a polyphasic approach including MALDI-TOF ICMS 2010 Contributions of Micoteca da Universidade do Minho to food mycology. P4-231. 2010 Integrated morphologic, metabolic, molecular and spectral methods for identification of Aspergillus section Flavi isolated from Portuguese almonds.. P3-148. 2010 MALDI-TOF ICMS as a modern approach to identify potential aflatoxigenic fungi. 110-111. 2010 Portuguese isolates of Aspergillus section Flavi unraveled by the calmodulin gene. 24. 2010 A polyphasic approach for black Aspergillus identification using MALDI-TOF MS. 2009 Micotoxinas: contributos da Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM) para a segurança alimentar. 2009 Micotoxinas: contributos da micoteca da Universidade do Minho (mum) para a segurança alimentar 2009 Polyphasic approach including maldi-tof mass spectrometry to characterise aflatoxigenic species of aspergillus section flavi 2009 MALDI-TOF MS potentialities and limits to characterise aflatoxigenic species of Aspergillus Section Flavi 2008 Modern polyphasic methods that include MALDI-TOF analyses for fungal identifications and authentications. 11. 2008 Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of dipeptide esters of the anti-rectroviral drug acyclovir. Scientia Pharmaceutica. 2005 journal article Conservation status of the threatened Iberian Peninsula narrow endemic Antirrhinum lopesianum Rothm. (Scrophulariaceae). Plant Biosystems. 2-9. 2006
co-principal investigator on HiCC - Biological Control by Hypovirulence Against Chestnut Blight in Portugal awarded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2013 - 2015