Composición de los aditivos en embutido fermentado portugués (chouriço) despues del secado
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Chouriço is a Portuguese dry-fermented sausage, which is much appreciated
among consumers and highly consumed due to its organoleptic characteristics. Hence, the
objective of this study was to investigate the food additive composition in dry products and
comparison with the values in UE Regulation. The maximum limits allowed, according to Reg
(EU) 1129/2011, are met for nitrite in both factories, with values well below the limit of 150
mg/kg (between 0,42-8,01 mg/kg). For nitrate salts the values are below the maximum limit
in one production (between 10,1-22,6 mg/kg) but above the maximum level (> 150mg/kg) in
another production (above 164,5 mg/kg). Regarding phosphates, both factories have their
products not meeting the EU Reg (> 500 mg / kg). The chouriço is a meat product that can
be consumed raw. To this product are added additives which act as antioxidants, in the case
of nitrite, and as preventive or inhibitors of microbial growth. The concentrations of these
salts have to be controlled, but its positive effects are superimposed on the possibility of
problems originated with growth of microorganisms.
Esta investigación se realizó dentro del proyecto PTDC/AGRTEC/3107/2012, financiado por la Fundación Portuguesa de Ciencia y Tecnología
(FCT)/Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).