selected publications
conference paper
- A utilização do cobre na protecção fitossanitária da oliveira e implicações na segurança alimentar dos produtos do olival.. 21-21. 2009
- Tolerance and stress response of the saprobe macrofungi Macrolepiota procera to nickel 2009
- Metal composition of table olives from the portuguese market.. 394-394. 2007
- Validação de uma metodologia por EAA/AE para avaliação dos níveis de crómio total e crómio hexavalente em cogumelos. 431-433. 2007
- Antioxidant activity and phenolic contents of Olea europaea L. leaves sprayed with different cooper formulations 2006
- Copper and lead residues in olives after olive tree treatments with three different copper formulations. 2005
- Copper residues in olives after olive tree treatments with three different copper formulations.. 92-92. 2004
- Extracção de nutrientes minerais do solo, de povoamentos de Castanea sativa Mill., pela colheita de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis 2004
journal article
- Tolerance and Bioaccumulation of Copper by the Entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana (Bals.-Criv.) Vuill. Exposed to Various Copper-Based Fungicides. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 53-60. 2012
- Tolerance and Stress Response of Macrolepiota procera to Nickel. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 7145-7152. 2009
- Validation of an Electrothermal Atomization Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Method for Quantification of Total Chromium and Chromium(VI) in Wild Mushrooms and Underlying Soils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 7192-7198. 2007
- Antioxidant activity and phenolic contents of Olea europaea L. leaves sprayed with different copper formulations. Food Chemistry. 188-195. 2007
- Validation of a Method To Quantify Copper and Other Metals in Olive Fruit by ETAAS. Application to the Residual Metal Control after Olive Tree Treatments with Different Copper Formulations. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 3923-3928. 2006