publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Aerodynamics of a wheelchair sprinter racing at the 100m world record pace by CFD. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018
- Comparison by computer fluid dynamics of the drag force acting upon two helmets for wheelchair racers. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017
- Comparação do coeficiente de arrasto calculado com recurso a três formas distintas de medição da área de secção transversa do tronco em nadadores. 2016
- Fractal dimension and human aquatic locomotion 2015
- Characterization of speed fluctuation and drag force in young swimmers: A gender comparison. Human Movement Science. 2013
- The Interaction Between Intra-Cyclic Variation of the Velocity and Mean Swimming Velocity in Young Competitive Swimmers 2013
artigo de conferência
- Avaliação da performance de um ciclista de estrada com recurso a simulações numéricas e modelos analíticos em três posições diferentes 2020
- Analysis of the resistive forces acting on a world-ranked wheelchair sprinter at different speeds. Motricidade. 2019
- Estimativa da potência mecânica e custo energético à velocidade do recorde do mundo nas provas de velocidade em cadeiras de rodas 2018
- CFD comparison of friction and pressure drag road and time trial helmets for wheelchair racing 2017
- Arrasto aerodinâmico no uso de capacete em provas de cadeiras de rodas 2016
- CFD analysis of head and helmet aerodynamic drag to wheelchair racing 2016
- CFD comparison of friction and pressure drag between road and time trial helmets for wheelchair racing 2016
- Comparação do coeficiente de arrasto calculado com recurso a três formas distintas de medição da área de secção transversa do tronco de nadadores 2011
- Contributos da biomecânica para o estudo do rendimento desportivo em natação 2011
- A kinematical, imagiological and acoustical biofeedback system for the technical training in breaststroke swimming. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2006
- Acute effects of the use of a biofeedback system for the technical training in breaststroke swimming. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2006
- Validation of a cable speedometer for butterfly stroke. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2006
artigo de revista
- Effects of Muscle Strength, Agility, and Fear of Falling on Risk of Falling in Older Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023
- A pilot study on fear and risk of fall: The impact of a 8-month multicomponent exercise program in community-dwelling aged adults. Cuadernos de Psicologia del Deporte. 2023
- Estimation of an Elite Road Cyclist Performance in Different Positions Based on Numerical Simulations and Analytical Procedures. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2020
- Estimation of mechanical power and energy cost in elite wheelchair racing by analytical procedures and numerical simulations. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2018
- The variations on the aerodynamics of a world-ranked wheelchair sprinter in the key-moments of the stroke cycle. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2018
- Characterization of speed fluctuation and drag force in young swimmers: a gender comparison. Human Movement Science. 2013
- The interaction between intra-cyclic variation of the velocity and mean swimming velocity in young competitive swimmers. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2012
- Predicting the intra-cyclic variation of the velocity of the centre of mass from segmental velocities in butterfly stroke: a pilot study. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2008
- Validation of a cable speedometer for butterfly evaluation. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 2006