selected publications
academic article
- Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Stellera chamaejasme L. Roots and Aerial Parts Extracts. Life. 13:1-16. 2023
- Synthesis and Anti-Inflammatory Evaluation of a Library of Chiral Derivatives of Xanthones Conjugated with Proteinogenic Amino Acids. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24:1-35. 2023
- Potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory bioactivities of fish roe-derived extracts. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 82:1-11. 2022
- On the Bioactivity of Echinacea purpurea Extracts to Modulate the Production of Inflammatory Mediators. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23:1-25. 2022
- Erythrocyte-derived liposomes for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Journal of Drug Targeting. 30:873-883. 2022
- Microfluidic mixing system for precise PLGA-PEG nanoparticles size control. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 40:1-11. 2022
- Fishroesomes as carriers with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory bioactivities. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 140:1-15. 2021
- Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Cytocompatible Salvia officinalis Extracts: A Comparison between Traditional and Soxhlet Extraction. Antioxidants. 9:1-25. 2020
- Fish sarcoplasmic proteins as a high value marine material for wound dressing applications. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 167:310-317. 2018
- Sustainable management of olive rainfed orchards by the introduction of leguminous cover crops. Ecology & Safety. 7:146-156. 2013
- Estimulação da cognição em idosos residentes num Lar de Idosos. Revista Transdisciplinar de Gerontologia. 81-90. 2010
conference paper
- Composição genética materna das abelhas da Madeira: comparação com as populações dos arquipélagos dos Açores e das Canárias e de Portugal continental. 143-143. 2022
- Composição genética das populações de abelha melífera (Apis mellifera L.) da Macaronésia. 52-52. 2019
- Does geometric morphometrics provide congruent results with SNP data? The case of Iberian honey bee (Apis mellifera iberiensis). 51-51. 2019
- A wing geometric morphometrics approach applied to the wings of Apis mellifera L. from the Azores 2018
- Applying reduce SNP assays for inferring C-lineage introgression patterns in Iberian honeybee populations of the Azores archipelago 2018
- Identification of honey bee populations from the Azores: insights from wing geometric morphometrics 2018
- Efeito da aplicação de glicina e betaína na atividade fotossintética da oliveira em regime de sequeiro. 178-178. 2017
- Fertilização com boro melhora a fisiologia da oliveira em condições de sequeiro. 176-176. 2017
- Gas Exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of “Golden Delicious” and “Fugi” apple trees protected by a grey anti-hail cover. 102-102. 2017
- Photosynthesis of Fuji' apple trees protected by two anti-hail nets. VIII Congresso Ibérico de Ciências Hortícolas. 143-143. 2017
- Boron nutrition affects membrane leakage and chemical composition of leaves and fruits of Olea europaea. 65-65. 2016
- Diversidade do mtADN da abelha melífera dos Açores: evidência de introgressão genética. 44-44. 2016
- Função de genes associados à precipitação envolvidos na adaptação local da abelha ibérica 2016
- Comparação dos níveis de introgressão da linhagem C na abelha negra (Apis mellifera mellifera) estimados usando microsatélites e SNPs seleccionados pelo critério de proximidade 2014
- Ferreira, Helena; Henriques, Dora; Jara, Laura; Chávez-Galarza, Júlio; De la Rúa, Pilar; Pinto, M. Alice (2014). Comparação dos níveis de introgressão da linhagem C na abelha negra (Apis mellifera mellifera) estimados usando microsatélites e SNPs seleccionados pelo critério de proximidade. In III Congresso Ibérico de Apicultura: livro de resumos. Mirandela. 63-63. 2014
- Green manure legumes affect seasonal soil and leaf CO2 exchange rates in an olive rainfed orchard. 19-19. 2013
- Oxidative stress and antioxidant responses in olive tree subjected to cover crops under rainfed conditions. 11th International POG Conference, Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants. 2013
- Short and long-term benefits of white lupin as a cover crop on olive physiology 2013
- Impacto de sistemas de gestão do solo na fisiologia do olival de sequeiro. 17-17. 2012
- Biomarkers of oxidative stress in olive rainfed orchards under different cover crops. 66-66. 2011
- Cover cropping effects on olive physiology in rainfed orchards. 315-315. 2011
- Cover crops for the sustainability of rainfed olive orchards. 172-172. 2011
- Antioxidant activity and growth inhibitory activity of Portuguese wild mushrooms 2010
- Mobilização tradicional versus utilização de herbicidas sistémicos em olival de sequeiro: efeitos fisiológicos e anatómicos. 39-39. 2009
- 1,2-Dihydroxy-9H-xanthen-9-one, a multifunctional nature-inspired active ingredient 2023
- In vivo anti-inflammatory potential of Echinacea purpurea root extracts-loaded liposomes 2023
- Anti-inflammatory activity evaluation of synthetic carboxyxanthones and intermediates 2022
- Erythrocyte-derived liposomes asanti-inflammatory carriers 2022
- Microfluidic-driven synthesis of size-controlled nanoparticles for anti-inflammatory purposes 2021
- Composição Genética Materna das Abelhas da Madeira. 19-22. 2021
- Echinacea purpurea extracts as potent agents to modulate cytokine and ROS/RNS production by macrophages 2019
- Erythrocyte-based liposomes incorporating diclofenac for inflammatory diseases treatment 2019
- The dual effect of cytocompatible Echinacea purpurea extracts that modulate cytokine and ROS/RNS production in macrophages 2019
- Sardine roe as a novel source of bioactive agents to produce liposomes with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. 404-405. 2019
- Immunomodulatory activity of Echinacea purpurea extracts 2019
- Evaluation of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of sardine roe derived-liposomes 2019
- Sardine roe-derived liposomes as potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory delivery systems 2019
- Cytocompatible Salvia officinalis extracts to reduce inflammation 2018
- Applying reduce SNP assays for inferring C-lineage introgression patterns in Iberian honeybee populations of the Azores archipelago. 212-212. 2018
- Applying reduced SNP assays for inferring C-lineage introgression patterns in Iberian honeybee populations of the Azores archipelago 2018
- Applying reduced SNP assays for inferring C-linage introgression patterns in Iberian honeybee population of the Azores archipelago 2018
- Antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity of Salvia officinalis extracts 2018
- On the antioxidant activity of Salvia officinalis extracts 2017
- Assessment of the antioxidant activity of Salvia officinalis extracts 2017
- Fish Sarcoplasmic Proteins: a marine origin material with potential for biomedical applications 2016
- Função de genes associados à precipitação envolvidos na adaptação local da abelha ibérica 2016
- Comparação dos níveis de introgressão da linhagem C na abelha negra (Apis mellifera mellifera) estimados usando microsatélites e SNPs seleccionados pelo critério de proximidade 2014
journal article
- Moderate Nitrogen Rates Applied to a Rainfed Olive Grove Seem to Provide an Interesting Balance between Variables Associated with Olive and Oil Quality. Horticulturae. 110. 2023
- Olive Yield and Physicochemical Properties of Olives and Oil in Response to Nutrient Application under Rainfed Conditions. Molecules. 831. 2023
- Overcoming Challenges in Pediatric Formulation with a Patient-Centric Design Approach: A Proof-of-Concept Study on the Design of an Oral Solution of a Bitter Drug. Pharmaceuticals. 2022
- Composição genética materna das abelhas da Madeira - comparação com as populações dos arquipélagos dos Açores e das Canárias e de Portugal continental. O apicultor. 19-22. 2021
- Wing Geometric Morphometrics of Workers and Drones and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Provide Similar Genetic Structure in the Iberian Honey Bee (Apis mellifera iberiensis). Agricultural and Forest Entomology. 89. 2020
- Historical and contemporaneous human-mediated processes left a strong genetic signature on honey bee populations from the Macaronesian archipelago of the Azores. Apidologie. 316-1. 2019
- Sustainable management of olive rainfed orchards by the introduction of leguminous cover crops. Ecology & Safety. 146-156. 2013
- Estimulação da cognição em idosos residentes num lar de idosos. 81-90. 2010
- Pentanucleotide repeat (TTTTA)n polymorphism in the 5' control region of the apoliprotein (A) gene and atherothrombotic serum lipoprotein (A) concentration, in a pediatric population. Haematologica. 2003