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Garcia, Valdemar Raul Ramos
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publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Two-phase bubble flow: experimental and numerical challenges 2019
- Low cost microfluidic device for partial cell separation: Micromilling approach 2015
- Flow focusing technique to produce PDMS microparticles for blood analogue fluids 2015
- Laminar blood flow in stenotic microchannels 2015
- Visualization of PMMA blood analogue fluid flowing through a hyperbolic microchannel 2015
- Blood flow in a bifurcation and confluence microchannel: effect of the cell-free layer in velocity profiles 2014
- Blood flow in a bifurcation and confluence microchannel: the effect of the cell-free layer in the velocity profiles 2014
- Blood flow in a bifurcation and confluence microchannel: the effectof the cell-free layer in the velocity profiles 2014
- Motion of rigid particles flowing in a micofluidic device with a pronounced stenosis: Trajectories and deformation index (Oral presentation) 2014
- Motion of rigid particles flowing in a microfluidic device with a pronounced stenosis: Trajectories and deformation index 2014
- Visualization and measurement of red blood cells flowing in microfluidic devices 2014
- Convergent-diffuser for small horizontal wind turbines 2013
- Fabricação de microcanais utilizando o método de xurografia: visualização da camada livre de células 2013
- Dynamic sedimentation measurements of physiological fluids in biomedical devices 2011
- Flow of physiological fluids in microchannels: the sedimentation effect. IFMBE Proceedings. 2010
- In vitro blood flow in circular PDMS microchannels: effect of the flow rate and hematocrit 2010
- Oxigenação de águas em colunas de borbulhamento a operar em escoamento co-corrente descendente 2009
- Oxigenação de águas em colunas de borbulhamento inclinadas com um sistema de anteparos perfurados 2009
- The dependence of effective thermal heat capacity of non-homogeneous materials on location and climatic parameters 1998
artigo de revista
- Deformation of Red Blood Cells, Air Bubbles, and Droplets in Microfluidic Devices: Flow Visualizations and Measurements. Micromachines. 2018
- Microbubble moving in blood flow in microchannels: effect on the cell-free layer and cell local concentration. Biomedical Microdevices. 2017
- In vitro blood flow and cell-free layer in hyperbolic microchannels: Visualizations and measurements. Biochip Journal. 2016
- A rapid and low-cost nonlithographic method to fabricate biomedical microdevices for blood flow analysis. Micromachines. 2015
- Blood flow visualization and measurements in microfluidic devices fabricated by a micromilling technique. Micro and Nanosystems. 2015
- Técnicas de separação biomimética em microfluídica. TecnoHospital: Revista de Engenharia e Gestão da Saúde. 2013
- A influência da temperatura e da radiação solar na capacidade de armazenamento térmico de elementos construtivos 1997
capítulo de livro
- Química física da vida 2015
- Cell-free layer (CFL) measurements in complex geometries: contractions and bifurcations 2014
- Blood flow in microchannels manufactured by a low cost technique: xurography 2013
- In vitro blood flow behaviour in microchannels with simple and complex geometries 2012
- Mass transfer models for oxygen-water co-current flow in vertical bubble columns 2012
- Gas-liquid flow dispersion in a vertical pipe 2000
investigador principal
- MicroBloodSystems - Blood rheology and blood cell migration in microfluidic systems concedido pelo Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia 2015
- MicroBloodSystems - Blood rheology and blood cell migration in microfluidic systems concedido pelo Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2014 - 2015
- BIOMIMETIC - A biomimetic microdevice for the diagnosis of erythrocytes diseases based on their deformability concedido pelo Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2012 - 2015
- Hemo-Networks - Experimental and computational investigations of the factors influencing blood flow in microvascular networks. concedido pelo Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2010 - 2013
nome completo
- Valdemar Raul Ramos Garcia
- V. Garcia