selected publications
academic article
- The Disinformation Reaction to the Russia–Ukraine War. KOME. 11. 2023
- Fact-checking: uma prática recente em Portugal? Análise da perceção da audiência. Anuario Electrónico de Estudios en Comunicación Social "Disertaciones". 16. 2023
- Elections and fact-checking in Portugal: the case of the 2019 and 2022 legislative elections. El Profesional de la información. 2022
- Who Believes in Fake News? Identification of Political (A)Symmetries. Social Sciences. 11:460. 2022
- The relationship between the belief in fake news and the strategies to seek information from young Portuguese people. Observatorio (OBS*). 16. 2022
- Bullshit receptivity: what matters is who said it, not what is said. Journal of Digital Media & Interaction. Vol 5 No 12 (2022): -Vol 5 No 12 (2022): . 2022
- Bullshit receptivity: what matters is who said it, not what is said.. Journal of Digital Media & Interaction. 5. 2022
- Use Social Media Knowledge for Exploring the Portuguese Wine Industry: Following Talks and Perceptions?. Scientific Programming. 2022
- Use social media knowledge for exploring the Portuguese wine industry. Following talks and perceptions? . Scientific Programming. 2022
- A Working Definition of Fake News. Encyclopedia. 2:632-645. 2022
- Presidents’ discourses: Lags, leads or mere words?. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social. 313-346. 2022
- Una perspectiva hispánica sobre la actual investigación en comunicación (2014-2019). Revista General de Información y Documentación. 31:697-718. 2021
- Partidismo: ¿el verdadero aliado de las fake news? Un análisis comparativo del efecto sobre la creencia y la divulgación. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social. 23-47. 2021
- Cognitive science and fake news belief: an exploratory study. Eikon - journal on semiotics and culture. 103-114. 2021
- The Influence of Political Ideology on Fake News Belief: The Portuguese Case. Publications. 9:23. 2021
- Brave New World’ of fake news: how it works. Javnost – The Public . 2021
- Online disinformation on Facebook: the spread of fake news during the Portuguese 2019 election. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 1-16. 2020
- Understanding Fake News Consumption: A Review. Social Sciences. 9:185. 2020
- Ethos, pathos and logos Comparative analysis of the (fake) news persuasive process. Eikon - journal on semiotics and culture. 7:43-54. 2020
- Ethos, pathos e logos Análise comparativa do processo persuasivo das (fake) news. Journal on Semiotics and Culture. 2020
- Ideologia Política Esquerda-Direita – Estudo Exploratório do Eleitorado Português. Interações: Sociedade e as novas modernidades. 57-80. 2018
- Are journalists no longer needed? Comparative analysis of the perceived quality of real news and ChatGPT news 2024
- Lying on social media. Disinformation strategies of Iberian populist radical right 2024
- COVID-19. As crianças portuguesas estão bem informadas? 2023
- Fact-Checking: A Journalistic Movement yet to Be Discovered? Audience Attitudes and Familiarity Levels in Portugal 2023
- General Knowledge and Perception of Portuguese Children About COVID-19 2021
conference paper
- A desinformação nas eleições autárquicas 2021
- A verdade está em crise! 2020
- Quem consome Fake News? Uma análise comparativa do efeito da ideologia política Esquerda-Direita na crença, interpretação e divulgação 2020
- Estradas Nacionais: elementos estratégicos de desenvolvimento do Interior 2020
- Retrocesso civilizacional: a aceitação das ideologias extremistas 2020
- O COVID-19 e a desinformação online 2020
- Interior vê a luz ao fundo do túnel 2020
- Podence: um amor incondicional pela cultura! 2019
- Chega de falar sobre o Chega! 2019
- Equidade. Repensar o modelo de distribuição de deputados pelo Interior? 2019
- Fim da ‘Geringonça’. A redescoberta da social-democracia 2019
- Na Procura do Tempo 2019
- Notas Soltas 2016
- O Jardim dos Enganos 2015