selected publications
- Sonic anemometer and atmospheric flows over complex terrain: measurements of complex flows 2012
- Clima e Recursos Naturais: Conferências de Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Dionísio Gonçalves 2010
- II Workshop sobre Clima e Recursos Naturais nos Países de Língua Portuguesa – Livro de Resumos 2010
- II Workshop sobre clima e recursos naturais nos países de língua portuguesa: livro de actas 2010
conference paper
- Wind turbine blade waste: a quantifying model. 43-44. 2022
- Environmental and energy quality: sobane methodology adapted to canteens. 351-356. 2019
- Two-phase bubble flow: experimental and numerical challenges. 742-756. 2019
- Decommissioned wind turbine blades: a pedagogical project on the uses of the raw material. XIX International Scientific and Technical Conference "Progressive Techniques, Technology and Engineering Education". 19-21. 2018
- Numerical study on the effect of Al2O3/water and TiO2/water nanofluids on forced convective heat transfer in a flat tube. XIX International Scientific and Technical Conference "Progressive Techniques, Technology and Engineering Education". 241-244. 2018
- Reduction of surface roughness by taguchi design: an approach for milling parameters. XIX International Scientific and Technical Conference "Progressive Techniques, Technology and Engineering Education". 16-18. 2018
- Affective relationships from youth and adults’ perspectives.. 40. 2017
- DROOd: desidratação de fruta e vegetais por ar seco. 391-396. 2017
- Dimensionamento de uma câmara de liofilização e de uma câmara de secagem por ar seco frio para alimentos. 355-362. 2017
- Domestic violence – a retrospective study witn significant changes. 71. 2017
- Gaseificador de blocos de madeira em leito fluidizado: uma revisão. 407-411. 2017
- Parental resilience or dyadic resilience as heal th promoting variable: an overview in scientific production. 74-74. 2017
- Resilience and emotional regulation in parents of children with special needs (SN). 56-57. 2017
- Stress and psychological well-being: study in parents of children with special needs. 61-61. 2017
- Vivências de pais com uma criança com NEE 2017
- Desempenho dinâmico de turbinas eólicas de pequena dimensão: contribuições experimentais e simulações CFD. 56-56. 2014
- WindS@UP: the e-science platform for 2014
- Aerial sonic anemometry - preleminary results 2013
- Aerial sonic anemometry for wind resource assessment 2013
- Convergent-diffuser for small horizontal wind turbines 2013
- Diagnostic evaluation of chronic venous insufficiency cases using thermal imaging. Thermology International. 169-176. 2012
- Desafios e tendências na avaliação do recurso eólico. 83-89. 2010
journal article
- Automation of optimization synthesis for modular technological equipment. Journal of Engineering Sciences. A6-A14. 2023
- A review of europe’s circular economy in the building sector. Sustainability. 14211. 2022
- Development of technical economic analysis for optimal sizing of a hybrid power system: a case study of an industrial site in Tlemcen Algeria. Results in Engineering. 100675. 2022
- Thermal pollution mitigation and energy harnessing of the condensation process of an olive oil extraction refinery: a case study. Environments. 84. 2021
- Uncertainty of pipe flow friction factor equations. 103764. 2021
- Heat pump dryer design optimization algorithm. 1-13. 2019
- Perdigão 2015: methodology for atmospheric multi-doppler lidar experiments. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 3463-3483. 2017
- Linear and nonlinear models in wind resource assessment and wind turbine micro-siting in complex terrain. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2308-2326. 2008