Implementation of the General Regulation on Data Protection – In the Intermunicipal Community of Alto Tâmega and Barroso, Portugal
Artigo de ConferênciaCapítulo de livro
Nowadays, secrecy, privacy and preservation of information of a personal nature, presents itself as a very relevant social manifestation, given the technological advances, as well as the dexterity that these advances leverage with regard to computer and analytical exploration. of the data. Thus, the European Union created a Regulation, in 2016, with the aim of standardizing legislation and practices with regard to data protection, in order to protect its citizens and increase transparency in the processing of their data, the same is called the “General Regulation on Data Protection” (GDPR). Thus, after 6 years since its creation and four since its entry into force, with the current study we intend to analyze how the implementation of the GDPR in Local Public Administration in Portugal is taking place, focusing this study on the Intermunicipal Community of Alto Tâmega and Barroso (CIM-AT).