Sexual health and reproduction literacy, the human papilloma virus (hpv) and cervical cancer (cc), among higher education health students
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The onset of sexual activity increasingly at a very early age makes it possible for young people to be
highly vulnerable to issues of sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases such as HPV. That is why,
in fact, it is important to know about the knowledge of young people, so that health screening and
promotion strategies can be adapted, trying to minimize the spread of the virus and, of course, the
development of CC. Agostinho (2012) reports that young people recognize that the development of
CC is related to sexual activity, but they are unaware of the transmission mode of HPV and its
possible consequences. In Order No. 3618-A / 2016, we find that the health program establishes as
a priority health promotion through a new ambition for Public Health, namely through the creation
of a National Program for Health, Literacy and Self-Care. The aim of this study was to evaluate the
sexual health and reproduction literacy about HPV and CC in a sample of higher education health
students. Descriptive and exploratory study, quantitative, and of transversal nature. Nonprobabilistic
by convenience sample, consisting of 337 students. The "HPV and cervical cancer
"questionnaire, validated by Agostinho (2012) and adapted from Medeiros and Ramada (2010), was
used. All ethical aspects were taken into account for the study. In the field of HPV transmission, we
found that only 14.2% answered that "HPV is transmitted by anal sex" is true and "HPV is
transmitted by oral sex," or 7.4% that “HPV is transmitted by touch of the skin”, Only 26.2% of the
respondents answered that the statement "HPV is transmitted through the blood" was false and
also show little knowledge regarding the incidence and mortality by CC and the percentage of
presence of HPV in cases of CC. Respondents showed reduced knowledge of the means of
transmission of HPV, lack of knowledge in the areas of incidence, CC mortality and percentage of
HPV presence in cases of CC, which could lead to an increase in risky sexual behavior. Given the
knowledge of HPV infections, associated diseases and prevention being limited, it indicates the need
to continue with educational campaigns and implementation of specific programs to promote
sexual and reproductive health literacy within the University.