Characterization of Three Portuguese Varietal Olive Oils Based on Fatty Acids, Triacylglycerols, Phytosterols and Vitamin E Profiles: Application of Chemometrics Capítulo de livro uri icon


  • In Portugal, olive oil production is considered an ancient activity, where old olive groves can still be observed. In the last few years monovarietal groves seem to be increasing, though some disadvantages, such as the susceptibility to insects and diseases, can result from the growth of individual olive varieties (Aguilera et al., 2005). In some typical producer countries, the olive cultivation is being improved by renewing old trees, reducing the association with other crops, selecting the olive varieties suited to local agroclimates and planting new single variety orchards (Criado et al., 2008). This is leading to an increase in the prevalence of monovarietal olive oils.


  • Amaral, J.S.
  • Isabel Mafra
  • Beatriz Oliveira

data de publicação

  • 2010