A parametric study of the non-linear geometric behaviour and carrying capacity of 3D asymmetric steel frames Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • Non-linear P-delta behaviour of three-dimensional frames with plan and elevation asymmetries is studied, using a parametric variation of geometry in plan and a stiffness variation along the height. Some behavioural aspects of a calibration frame have been addressed to ascertain the importance of the nodal rigidity, modelled with laminar elements of the type shell with implicit formulation of thick plate or modelled with elastic stiff springs, in the study and modelling of the geometric nonlinearity and stability of such calibration frame. Eurocode 3 criteria for second order analyses is briefly addressed in connection with the 2D frame classification with respect to sway behaviour; however for 3D structures the calculated carrying capacity is independent of this classification. So a parametric study of the critical load factor of asymmetric three-dimensional frames, un-braced and braced, permits to characterize their carrying capacity with respect to overall structural stability.


  • Braz César, M
  • César, M.B.
  • Barros, R

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2005