Use of whole blood to measure DNA damage in a group of wildland firefighter
Artigo de Conferência
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Genotoxicity evaluation is a valuable tool for studying the most important
occupational hazards allowing a reasonable epidemiological evaluation
of potential health effects. Comet assay has proven to be a very sensitive
Abstracts of the 12th International Comet Assay Workshop held at the
University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, 29–31 August 2017 (https://icaw.
Mutagenesis, Volume 32, Issue 6, 31 December 2017, Pages e1–e28,
tool for the detection of different levels of DNA damage in human bio monitoring. Although lymphocytes are the preferred cells whole blood
has been presented as a viable and easier alternative to lymphocytes in the
comet assay. Its use avoids additional DNA damage from lymphocyte isolation steps and loss of cells. Portugal is among the European countries
more devastated by forest fires in the summer each year. Firefighters are
exposed to many toxic combustion products, including many known,
probable or possible carcinogens. There are a limited number of studies
evaluating genotoxic effects in firefighters results reported are inconsist ent and inconclusive. In this context, the aim of the present study was to
assess DNA damage and oxidative stress in whole blood of Portuguese
wildland firefighters. Study population consisted of a total of 61 non smoking male subjects, 30 firefighters and 31 control subjects.