Valorisation of oliviculture residues to produce biochars for the removal of naproxen from water
Artigo de Conferência
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The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support
through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020, UIDP/00690/2020 and
EXPL2021CIMO_05-REMPHARM) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021). J.L. Diaz De Tuesta acknowledges the
financial support of “Comunidad de Madrid” (Spain) for the individual research grant 2020-T2/AMB-19836
The presence of pharmaceutical drugs, their metabolites and degradation products in the
environment requires significant research and monitoring studies to assess the potential risks to
human health and to ecosystems. Due to the extremely low concentrations of these chemicals in
the environment in the trace levels of μg/L or even ng/L the removal processes must be
optimized in order to make them easier, quicker, less expensive, and more environmentally
friendly than traditional techniques [1]. Adsorption is a treatment process based on
accumulation of the adsorbate (pollutant) on the adsorbent surface that has been successfully
used for the optimization of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs).
Carbon based materials (CBMs), such as activated carbons, chars, carbon black, carbidederive
and nanostructured carbons have shown incredible efficiency as adsorbents. Of
considerable interest is the possibility of using biomass wastes to prepare an effective adsorbent
and its use in the removal of pharmaceuticals [2]. This work presents the main experimental
results for the removal of naproxen from water by adsorption using activated carbon obtained
from olive stones [3,4]. Four types of activated carbon materials were prepared from olive
stones, the olive pits were powdered to an average diameter of 0.25 mm (type 1), then
chemically activated with a strong acid (type 2) and then carbonized at 500ᵒC (type 3) or
pyrolyzed at 800ᵒC (type 4). The batch method was applied to experimentally measure the
equilibrium adsorption isotherms. The most significant adsorption parameters were optimized,
such as the solution pH, mass of the adsorbent used, adsorption contact time and adsorption
This work aims to study the removal of naproxen from aqueous solutions using activated
carbon obtained from olive stones