A formação profissional e o desenvolvimento regional. O modelo de gestão do programa pessoa. Estudo do caso dos centros de gestão directa de Vila Real e Bragança Thesis uri icon


  • O Programa Operacional Formação Profissional Emprego-Pessoa é, no âmbito do Segundo Quadro comunitário de Apoio, a maior intervenção operacional do Fundo Social Europeu, dirigida prioritariamente ao financiamento de acções no domínio das políticas de Emprego e Formação Profissional (Gomes, 1998). Num quadro determinado por acelerados processos de mutação económica e social, decorrentes do processo de globalização da economia, Portugal ainda apresenta valores elevados de população empregada que possui apenas o nível básico de escolaridade, valores estes diferenciados regionalmente. The Professional Training and Employment Operational Program - Pessoa, created within the Second EU Support Framework is an important tool intervening not only at a physical level but also at the regional one in which it plays an important socio-economic role. Characterized by a multidimensional management, the Program tried to come up with suitable solutions for the various regional settings by implementing several actions in the field of professional training and employment. The present research aims at doing more than just analysing an EU program. It focuses mainly on the problematic of professional training and employment giving regional mechanisms considerable attention. The empirical study centres around a reflection on professional training and development in the Alto Trás-os-Montes and Douro regions, assessing Bragança and Vila Real Direct Management Centres' role. This process was the result of a data base treatment supplied by the Entry into Active Life Observatory after inquests have been made to trainees attending professional training courses between 1995 and 2000. Two sets of conclusions have been drawn regarding effects on the employment capacity and the qualification increase. On a first level, there were positive effects of the professional training on the employment capacity by integrating unemployed in the region's labour market and by improving their professional situation as compared to the qualification thy had before attending the courses. On the second level, the trainees made a positive evaluation of the courses in what concerns their own qualifications and professional performances. As such, Bragança and Vila Real Direct Management Centres may be considered as leading actors in regional development.

publication date

  • January 1, 2004