Ultramafics of Bragança massif: soils, flora and vegetation Capítulo de livro uri icon


  • The presence of allochthonous ultramafic rocks is one of the main characteristics of the geology of NE Portugal (see paper by Meireles in this chapter). These ultramafic rocks are scattered ill two large massifs: Bragança and Morais. The altitude or the northern Bragança Massif ranges between 600 and 1,060 Ill: it is all included in a rainy and cold supramediterranean climatic bell. A significant area of the Bragança Massif is part of the Montesinho Natural Park. The Morais Massif is mainly mesomediterranean, with altitudes between 300 and 900 m. In the latter massif it usually rains less than 800 mm per year and the mean annual temperature is higher than 12°C.


  • Aguiar, C.
  • Sequeira, E.
  • Meireles, C.

data de publicação

  • 2010