Perception of nursing students face clinical supervision: literature review Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • Currently, without theoretical clinical training is not possible for the nursing student adequately meet their clinical practices.In this regard, clinical supervision plays a key role monitoring and development of the same. However,so that the student can be supervised, requires evidence of nurse supervisor competence in this context. In contemporary literature, this issue has been much debated, as the target of numerous different scientific studies. Aim of the study was, understanding through a systematic literature review, the opinion of the nursing students to face clinical supervision. We used the PICO methodology, have consulted the databases Scielo, Google Scholar as well as E-books researching articles related keywords (i) "Clinical supervision"; (ii) 'nursing students'; (iii) "the students' opinion"; (iv) "Clinical instruction". Resulted eleven articles, of which only six were selected due to the inclusion criteria: opinion only of nursing students and the time period of the articles between 2007-2014. After analyzing the articles, found that all yielded similar results, except one, reveals that lack of communication or poor communication was the most negative factor pointed out by the students in relation to the nurse supervisor, following the monitoring batch (due to lack of willingness of guiding nurses) and the lack of guidelines or improper orientation


  • Ana Maria Nunes Português Galvão
  • Certo, Ana
  • Louçano, Ana

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2015