Body image perception in adolescents and concern with weight
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In a holistic conception of health, youth health is moderated by
their self image and the perception that adolescents have of themselves
is conditioned by social and cultural pressure, and low selfesteem
is often observed, possibly caused by the way they perceive
their own body, having as a consequence, an health proile with
morbidities. Recognize the level of youth heath assessing Body Image
perception and their concern with weight. It is a descriptive,
quantitative and transversal study. Based on a sampling error lower
than 5% and a conidence level of 95%, the study was carried out
on a sample of 600 adolescents aged between 12 and 18. A self-ad-ministered questionnaire validated for adolescents was conducted
by Di Pietro (2002). The sample is composed of 44% male and 56%
female adolescents, with an age mean of 15.54. 61.2% of the boys
and 83.6% of the girls stated to be concerned with their weight.
The main reasons given for this concern were health associated
with aesthetics (29.1% of boys and 38.5% of girls). The results show
that 12.8% of boys and 23.5% of girls are dissatisied with their body
image. The study revealed that the variable gender is statistically
moderating in relation to the variables: body image perception and
concern with weight: female adolescents show a higher dissatisfaction
with their body image (0.003) and a bigger concern with weight
(0.000). The results point out towards the need for assessment/
intervention in this population as body image represents a paramount
issue in adolescence, with the body image self-perception
being strongly associated with the biopsychosocial maturing process,
which interferes with their level of health and personal and
social development.