The oil of several hazelnut ( Corylus avellana L.) samples was extracted and evaluated for their triacylglycerol (TAG) composition. Trials were conducted in two Portuguese localities (Vila Real and
Felgueiras) during three consecutive years and involved a total of 19 cultivars. The samples were
analyzed by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with evaporative light-scattering
detection. Sample preparation was fast and simple, consisting only of the dissolution of the oil in
acetone, homogenization, and filtration, allowing this technique to be suitable for routine analyses.
All samples presented a similar qualitative profile composed of eleven compounds: LLL, OLL, PLL,
OOL, POL, PPL, OOO, POO, PPO, SOO and PSO (P, palmitoyl; S, stearoyl; O, oleoyl; and L,
linoleoyl). The main components were OOO, LOO, and POO, reflecting the high content of oleic acid
in hazelnut oils. A total of 79 different samples were studied, and the obtained data were statistically
analyzed. Significant differences were verified in canonical variate plots when cultivars were grouped
by country of origin. In general, the American cultivars were richer in TAGs with saturated fatty acids
moieties, and the group of French, German, and English cultivars was richer in TAGs containing
linoleic acid moieties. Differences were also significant when cultivars were grouped by year of
production, showing that besides genetic factors, the TAG composition can be influenced by
environmental factors.