Intelligent Monitoring and Management Platform for the Prevention of Olive Pests and Diseases, Including IoT with Sensing, Georeferencing and Image Acquisition Capabilities Through Computer Vision
Artigo de ConferênciaCapítulo de livro
Climate change affects global temperature and precipitation patterns. These effects, in turn, influence the intensity and, in some cases, the frequency of extreme environmental events, such as forest fires, hurricanes, heat waves, floods, droughts, and storms. In general, these events can be particularly conducive to the appearance of plant pests and diseases. The availability of models and a data collection system is crucial to manage pests and diseases in sustainable agricul-tural ecosystems. Agricultural ecosystems are known to be complex, multivariable, and unpredict-able. It is important to anticipate crop pests and diseases in order to improve its control in a more ecological and economical way (e.g., precision in the use of pesticides). The development of an intel-ligent monitoring and management platform for the prevention of pests and diseases in olive groves at Trás-os- Montes region will be very beneficial. This platform must: a) integrate data from multi-ple data sources such as sensory data (e.g., temperature), biological observations (e.g., insect counts), georeferenced data (e.g., altitude) or digital images (e.g., plant images); b) systematize these data into a regional repository; c) provide relevant forecasts for pest and diseases.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can be a valuable tool for the identification and classi-fication of images acquired by Internet of Things (IoT).