Vaccination indicators of measles, hepatitis B and tetanus a look beyond borders
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Vaccination is one of the best ways parents can protect infants, children and teens from many potentially harmful diseases. Vaccine-preventable diseases can be very serious, may require hospitalization, or even be deadly,
especially in infants and young children.
Aim: To analyze rates of vaccination measles, hepatitis B and tetanus in each country and compare with the European average.
Method: Descriptive study. The data were taken from the Health for All Database (who) rate of vaccination of Portugal, Lithuania, Spain, Romania, and Croatia.
Results: In Portugal the rate of vaccination aganst measels between 2002 and 2014 is always upper then Europe, except in 2010 (96%). Comparing with Spain, Romainia, Croatia and Lithuania, Portugal in 2002 have a Lowest rate, but after 2013 increase to 98%. Vaccination rate against tetanus in 2002 and 2015 to Portugal is 94% and 98%. Comparing Portugal with the European average presents always Higher rates, except in 2005 (95%). Children vaccinated against hepatitis B, In 2002 Romania had the best vaccination rate of 99%. In 2015 is Portugal the country with the best vaccination rate (98%).
Conclusion: Compliance with the vaccination programs are the most effective weapon to promote fairness, equality and prevent diseases.