Relating Biometric Sensors with Serious Games Results Book Conference Paper uri icon


  • With the growing amount of data, it is necessary to create methods that facilitate its processing and and that allow a more efficient knowledge extraction from them. The main objective of the project here discussed is to correlate the performance of a patient while playing a serious game with the data collected, at the same time, by an eye tracker and the emotions detected by the Face API of Microsoft Azure suite after processing the photos collected by a webcam. Using analysis algorithms and adequate data visualisations, it is intended to discover new relationships that connect the game results to biometric data and create new knowledge. Through the eye movement and facial expressions, collected during the execution, it is possible to show that children with memory deficit have a slower processing speed, fix more times, make more regressions, and they have more disposal to express an emotion of sadness or surprise.

publication date

  • 2022