iOS application development to illustrate mathematical concepts and methods Conference Paper uri icon


  • The main objective of this application is to illustrate mathematical methods about vectors. Indeed, the application needs to represent vectors in a good way and to provide a set of operations the user can do with vectors such as addition, subtraction, illustrate parallelogram method, etc. First of all, to develop iOS applications a computer on Mac OS X is necessary with the software Xcode to create and manage projects. A developer account is also required. iOS applications used to be developed in Objective- C but Apple released a new programming language called Swift in 2014. And this is this language we used. Indeed it is much easier than Objective-C, the syntax is concise yet expressive and applications run fast. We could also test the application with an iPhone 6. This application allows to create, display and manipulate some vectors. The user can interact with the graph: zoom in, zoom out and move the graph. The main objective is to interact with vectors to do operations with them. The user can do single vector operation to remove or modify it for instance, but he can do operations that involve two vectors as well. For example, the application gives the opportunity to add or subtract vectors. Furthermore, it allows to illustrate mathematical method such as parallelogram method. iOS applications used to be developed in Objective-C but Apple released a new programming language called Swift in 2014. And this is this language we used. Indeed it is much easier than Objective-C, the syntax is concise yet expressive and applications run fast. We could also test the application with an iPhone 6. This application allows to create, display and manipulate some vectors. The user can interact with the graph: zoom in, zoom out and move the graph. The main objective is to interact with vectors to do operations with them. The user can do single vector operation to remove or modify it for instance, but he can do operations that involve two vectors as well. For example, the application gives the opportunity to add or subtract vectors. Furthermore, it allows to illustrate mathematical method such as parallelogram method. We created an application which allows to plot vectors and manipulate them. Indeed, the user can create and modify vectors, and do operations between them. The user can also interact with the graph to zoom in / zoom out and translate the graph. Some improvements can be done such as the landscape mode or about magnetics points.

publication date

  • January 1, 2016