Comportamento ao fogo de blocos de terrra comprimida Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • The main concern of the fire regulation with the occurrence of fire is not related to the interest of preserving the patrimony, but rather to ensure that the structure remains with its preserved carrying capacity for a period of time considered sufficient to assure the total evacuation of people. The work developed is about the safety of buildings in compacted earth blocks (CEB) when subjected to fire situations. The results of resistance achieved by the CEB during a fire and after being cooled are analysed with the main objective of increasing the knowledge and thus ensuring the safety of the property and mainly of the people. It is also the objective of this work to understand the influence of the stabilizers, responsible for increasing the resistance of the CEB, through thermomechanical resistance tests in steady state. For this, 5 stabilizers mixtures using lime and cement were analysed, and different behaviour responses of the material subjected to the fire action were obtained. An analysis of the residual compression tests with the sample that attained the best performance is also performed. The best performance was obtained for the composition with the highest amount of stabilizers, with 10% of lime and 10% of cement. However, the composition with 5.0% of lime and 7.5% of cement showed a resistance close to the previous one, this composition being a better choice due to the smaller amount of stabilizers, being more economical and more sustainable.


  • Soares, E.
  • L. Mesquita
  • Miranda, T.
  • Dinis, Leitão
  • Leitão, D.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2018