Quality of life in nursing Conference Paper uri icon


  • The concept of quality of life 1n nursing hás a place of great importance in health organizations. The quality of health services is also measured by the satisfaction of professionals. Objectives: To evaluate the quality of life of nurses in three hospitai units ULSNE. Methods: The sampie consisted of 124 nurses in three hospital uniis ULSNE. The questionnaire consists of the SF12 scale (Ferreira, 1992) and is compossd of 12 items that make up eight dimensions. They are aggregated into two components, physical and mental designated by MSF and AASM. It is a descriptive, exploratory study with a quantitative approach. Sampling is not probabilistic. Results: We found that there are statisticallysignificant differences in MSF wtth regard to age, professional category and contractual arrangements. In MSM observed statistically significant differences with regard to marital status and profession. Conclusions: The identification of these relations is very important in health organizatíons. Facilitates decision making and therefore the provision of better health care.

publication date

  • January 1, 2016