- The authors acknowledge the support of RD Unit SYSTEC-Base (UIDB/00147/2020) and Programmatic (UIDP/00147/2020) funds, and also the support of Project Warehouse of the Future (WoF), with reference POCI-01-0247-FEDER-072638, co-funded by European RegionalDevelopment Fund (ERDF), through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020)
- This paper presents a cost-effective approach of a mecanum wheel robotic platform for educational propose on the development of an autonomous or remote controlled mobile robot with a four-wheel mecanum drive train. The main structure of the mobile robot was developed in Solidworks and it was built using additive manufacturing to validate in a real scenario. The main objective of developing this type of mobile platform was the ability to transport different types of cargo or robotic arm on industrial spaces or on rough terrain, since the implemented suspension mechanism allows the wheels contact to the floor. Another important objective is the maneuverability and the capacity to be guided in various environments, a great advantage in this type of mobile platform. An additional advantage of the developed mobile robot is the easy way to reconfigure the structure for new acquired parts.