An agent-based disturbance handling architecture in manufacturing control Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • In industrial environments, disturbance handling is a major issue in reconfigurable manufacturing control systems, supporting the fast, effective and efficient response to the occurrence of unexpected disturbances. Those disturbances usually degrade the performance of the system, causing the loss of productivity and business opportunities, which are crucial roles to achieve competitiveness. This paper proposes an agent-based disturbance handling architecture that distributes the disturbance handling functions by several autonomous control units and considers the main types of shop floor disturbances that have impact at planning and scheduling level. The proposed architecture also integrates a prediction component, transforming the traditional “fail and recover” practices into “predict and prevent” practices.


  • Leitão, P.
  • Leitao, P.
  • Barata, J.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2007