Semantic coindexation: evidence from Portuguese derivation and compounding
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Celga, Universidade de Coimbra
This paper tries to shed light on the questions: How do words formed by word
formation get their meaning? What are the factors involved and what is the balance
between them?
According to Jackendoff’s Parallel Architecture (2002), a word is an interface
between Phonology, Syntax and Semantics, and formation of word meaning is
independent of syntax. The PA permits us to solve some problems that come to light
by adopting other perspectives (syntactically guided: Rappaport Hovav & Levin
1992; Beard 1995; Lieber 2004; or cognitively guided: Barker 1998; Ryder 1999;
Panther & Thornburg 2002).
We propose to analyse Portuguese word formation of deverbal nouns and
adjectives and of compounds, in order to test if these two genolexical mechanisms
behave similarly respecting the semantic structure of their constituents.
Empirical data show that word formation mechanisms align semantic structuring
independently of syntactic structuring. Only semantic features are responsible for the
meaning of the coined word.