publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The heat transfer modelling for bone metastatic lesion minimization using two different cement types. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics (JMEB). 2020
- Computational model to predict the temperature distribution produced by bone cement. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics. 2018
artigo de conferência
- Estudo térmico numérico em sarcomas ósseos 2019
- Thermal computational model to predict thermal necrosis in bone sarcomas 2019
- Drilling of bone: numerical and experimental investigations 2017
- Dynamic numerical simulation of different drill bit diameter on the polyurethane foams drilling 2017
- Influence of drill bit diameter on drilling of polyurethane foams 2017
- Effect of drill speed on bone damage during drilling 2016
- Influence of bone drilling parameters on the thermal stress distribution 2016
- Influence of drill speed and feed rate on bone damage 2016
- Modelo dinâmico 3D para análise térmica em processos de furação óssea 2015
- Temperature assessment in the drilling of Ex vivo bovine and porcine cortical bone tissue 2015
- An introduction to the level set methods and its applications 2008
artigo de revista
- The heat transfer modelling for bone metastatic lesion minimization using two different cement types 2020
- Computational model to predict the temperature distribution produced by bone cement. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics. 2018
- Effect of drill speed on the strain distribution during drilling of bovine and human bones 2018
- Dynamic numerical simulation of different drill bit diameter on the polyurethane foams drilling. MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology. 2017
- Thermal analysis in drilling of ex vivo bovine bones. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology. 2017
- Thermo-mechanical stresses distribution on bone drilling: numerical and experimental procedures. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications. 2017
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