Pedagogy in participation or mem Capítulo de livro uri icon


  • The information that appears systematized in this subchapter comprises two key aspects: the first is a brief contextualization of the Modern School Movement (MSM), and the second concerns the contributions of this pedagogical model for experiential learning. The MSM, whose origin and development date back to the 1960s, is an association of educational practitioners intended for cooperative self-training of its members and to support in-service training and pedagogical animation of educational institutions. This movement comprises a network of regional groups which act as cooperative working groups for the training and development of educational resources in several areas of formal education. Within its scope a quarterly journal named Escola Moderna is edited. It works simultaneously as an informative and dissemination bulletin of pedagogical practices (Nóvoa, Marcelino, & Ramos do Ó, 2012).

data de publicação

  • 2018